How to delete a viber message after someone sees it
How to delete a viber message after someone sees it

how to delete a viber message after someone sees it

Here I will provide the steps to delete sent a message from Viber. While the second option “Delete for everyone” removes the message from your device as well as the recipient’s devices.

how to delete a viber message after someone sees it

The first option “Delete for myself” will remove the message only from your device. “ Delete for myself” and “ Delete for everyone”. Viber provides option two options while deleting the message. Message sent from the Viber can be immediately deleted. You can delete the message from any of your device either from the smartphone or from the desktop. So, no need to panic in such a situation. Well, whatever the situation is the first thing that comes to your mind is to Delete these message before the person sees. But sometimes we need to delete files as well as text. With Viber, one can send a text message as well as attach important files.

How to delete a viber message after someone sees it